Friday, August 24, 2012

Pandanda Crescent's 1st Elite contest Results

Hey pandas! Now it is time to announce the winners for the elite contest. First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for entering. You guys rock! Second of all, I want to tell you how I did this. I put all of your names in the hat program, and the last person I pick would be eliminated. Here are the places:

11th- Swaggon

10th- Lolusqa

9th- Morgan543

8th- Fanofjonas

7th- Sherman98cp

6th- Peppery439

5th- jar12

4th- roBBoT

3rd- Gobito5

And it came down to cincle and RanRan. And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, the winner. DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!!!
Congrats Cincle! Comment with your email so I make sure your seeing this post.
Rock on, Pandas!


  1. Thx u som much cresent! =)
    My =D

  2. So close (: Maybe I will win next time :) Congrats Cincle!


Make sure you comment with appropriate vocabulary. Do not pretend to be someone else. Thanks!