Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Workers Needed

Hey guys! I need some workers. Here is the list that you can apply for:

1 Author
1 Editor
6 Chat moderators
1 Comment Moderator

Please Apply. Tell your friends, too. And you might not get a job, and some pandas might get more than one job. Untill next time!


*I've decided just to work on my own for now. When school starts and I'm busy, I may take that into consideration. Thanks!*


  1. Replies
    1. Are you sure? Since your busy and all, I thought I wouldn't see you apply! Good luck dude!

  2. I would like to be an editor. Please e-mail me at Relaxingpandas@aol.com \(^.^)/ Hope I apply!

    1. Good luck! I've seen your blogs! They're pretty cool! Can you advertise on your blog about this blog and that we need workers? If yes, I will put your support banners on my ads sidbar tab. Thanks and Good luck!


Make sure you comment with appropriate vocabulary. Do not pretend to be someone else. Thanks!