Hi Panda Pals!
I hope you are enjoying the decorations, music, and especially the fireworks of the July Celebration. Mr. McWiggles certainly is! In fact, the 4th of July is his FAVORITE holiday! You probably guessed that by the way he has decorated the Big Scoop Ice Cream shop in red, white, and blue stars and stripes.
McWiggles LOVES the 4th of July! |
Make sure to drop by the Big Scoop to check out the decorations. While you are there, ask Mr. McWiggles to build you his special Red White & Blue Ice Cream Cone. One scoop of cherry, one of vanilla, and one of blueberry. And if you
really like ice cream, get two scoops of each!
The fireworks in the night skies are pretty awesome (especially from my favorite place, Shady Glen), but wouldn't it be cool to carry around your own personal mini-firework any time of the day? Well, now you can!
Just head over to the Clothing Co. on East Market Street to pick up your free July Celebration gift from the clothing catalog.
I plan to visit Pandanda for the 4th of July tomorrow, and I want to see everyone in red, white, and blue! Use Panda Paint, clothes, shoes, hats, accessories, and whatever you have in your closet. Don't forget about your player card background! Can you be as red, white, and blue and the Big Scoop?
Party on, Pandas!